
More income every month for every driver that drives with Adkick

Join AdKick and earn money while you drive! Turn your car into a moving billboard and promote top brands while on the road. A fun and easy way to make extra income.


Doesn't hurt to make more money driving

Join AdKick and make extra income while you drive! With flexible scheduling, passive income potential, no investment required, and the ability to reach a large audience, AdKick offers a unique and cost-effective way for both drivers and brands. Turn your car into a moving billboard and earn money on your own terms.

data about car advertising

Car wrap advertising has been shown to be an effective form of advertising with a number of studies demonstrating its benefits.


people per day view the adds on cars.


Increase in online engagement with brands.

Become a driver




Personal Information:

You don't need to be an uber, lyft or doordash driver

Anyone can drive with Adkick. If there is a constant route you take you can sign up to get your car wrapped and make some side income

How much can you make?

Beginner wrap
Partial wrap
Full wrap

What are you waiting for?

Decals are OEM car paint save for cars

You don’t have to worry, it is installed and deinstalled by professionals

We’ve partnered up with local wrappers near you in order to have your car conveniently wrapped


join now in order to start an effortless side income stream


How can I earn money by wrapping my car with advertising?

How long do I need to keep the wrap on my car?

Can I choose which brands or advertisements I want to display on my car?

Is the process of removing the wrap harmful to my car's paint?

Are car wraps safe for the paint job and do they harm the car's surface?

contact us

Contact us today to learn more about our advertising platform! Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you get started with AdKick. Fill out the form on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!


Toronto, ON, Canada

Contact us


+1 (647)-710-8756

Don't miss out

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